This course introduces students to antenna engineering starting from the system requirements then delves into the details of the antenna theory to enable characterize and analyze different types of antennas in Tx and Rx mode. The course also touches upon the design of printed antennas as well as antenna arrays.
- Dr: Islam Eshrah
This elective courses builds on the student knowledge in microwave and antenna engineering (ELC305a - ELC305b - ELC 405a). It covers topics on microwave passive components that are employed in many wireless transceivers namely: power dividers and couplers, phase shifters, attenuators, filters, matching networks, baluns, transformers and antenna arrays.
The objective of the course is to enhance the student knowledge in the implementation of the above components on-chip, in the RFIC package, and on the PCB, with the design constraints of each.
- Dr: Islam Eshrah
This course covers the aspects of EM radiation interacting with the environment. The course is split into two main topics:
1. Biological Effects of EM Radiation: the different aspects related to human exposure to electromagnetic radiation, the codes regulating such exposure, and the computations of the SAR, maximum fields and power density.
2. Atmospheric Wave Propagation: the effects incurred by EM waves as they propagate in the atmosphere, with focus on tropospheric and ionospheric waves.
This course introduces graduate level students to different computational electromagnetics techniques, with focus on the moment method and the finite-difference technique.
- Dr: Islam Eshrah
This course introduces students to microwave engineering starting with transmission line theory, transmission line circuits, the Smith chart, and matching techniques, and ending with microwave network analysis using S parameters.
- Dr: Islam Eshrah